puasa ganti

hello there. I'm bored.

I've been fasting for 5 days. Tomorrow is the last day. wheww.. puasa ganti. Frankly said, this is my 3rd time doing puasa ganti. I have my first period on 13 years old. That was my first year doing puasa ganti. And then after that I never skip the fasting, 4 years straight until I finished my SPM. that was the 2nd time. and now I'm doing my puasa ganti, so it's my third time lah...

I still remember Mama asked me "Doa apa yang B baca tak tinggal puasa, tak datang period waktu bulan puasa?" my answer ? I just laughed. haih I miss those days, azam puasa tahun nie, hopefully dapat puasa penuh. heeee ~
Thank You for reading my mumbles

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