the toba explosion ..

I was looking back at my album at Lake Toba ...

then I was wondering ..
Lake Toba is a non-active volcano ..
so it's a volcano ....
and I heard that non-active volcano can still back to active ...
will Lake Toba erupt again ?
some scientist believe that the volcano will erupt again ...
wth ?

here ... I give you a short history about Toba .

you have to walk up 8 hours to go around the lake, and 2 hours by car ..
 Toba Lake in northern Sumatra is the world's largest active volcanic caldera. The volcanic eruption that resulted in Lake Toba (100 x 30 km) 74,000 years ago, is known to have been by far the biggest eruption of the last 2 million years. This mega-bang caused a prolonged world-wide nuclear winter and released ash in a huge plume that spread to the north-west and covered India, Pakistan, and the Gulf region in a blanket 1–5 metres (3–15 feet) deep. Toba ash is also found in the Greenland ice-record and submarine cores in the Indian Ocean, allowing a precise date marker. In our story the Toba eruption is the most accurately dated, dramatic, and unambiguous event before the last ice age.

Wow ! that scary isn't it ...
hope that volcano won't erupt in the nearest time  ...

Thank You for reading my mumbles

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